Partnering Option for Schools

If you are a school and looking for Masterclasses for your Teachers and School Leaders, you have come to the right place!

Haven’t found the topic you were looking for? Ask us to design a specific masterclass to meet your needs.

We offer a consultation service for schools via phone or video conferencing with one of our experts. During the consultation, our experts can help you in defining the learning needs of your staff and guide you through our classes offers for schools.

When creating tailor-made classes, we draw on a wealth of experience in training a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: Project-Based Learning, facilitating remote teaching and blended learning, conflict management, leadership development etc. Approaches and methods covered in these classes will show how to improve students’ performance and motivation. However, not every approach will have a strong positive impact in every classroom or school. Schools are complex organizations, each with its unique culture, ethos, resources, and teacher and student population. For a new approach or method to achieve results, it should be carefully integrated into the school’s existing infrastructure.

Given each school’s complex profile, addressing one issue often requires amending other institutional elements. For example, if a school plans to move to blended or hybrid learning, it may not be sufficient to train teachers simply in the use of educational programs and Apps. It is also necessary to address issues such are motivate students for distance learning and preventing cyberbullying.

We offer you training needs analysis to create customized training courses and interventions tailored to the needs of your school.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.