Masterclasses and ‘Fellows’ of Teachers Academy

Our Masterclasses cover diverse subjects to train educators in 21st-century teaching skills. Today’s educators are facing unprecedented challenges as well as incredible opportunities. Our classes are programmed/designed to keep Educators inspired, motivated, adaptable and up-to-date with the changing scenarios.

Our classes in leadership and project management provide school leaders, school principals and staff with the necessary tools for navigating an ever-changing education environment.

K-12 Teachers and Schools Leaders who work in private and public schools around the world are eligible for our masterclasses on approval from our advisory board.

Masterclasses give participants the opportunity to learn from world-class experts and from each other. Our online masterclasses are held over 90 minutes sessions. In the first 60 minutes, educators learn from a Master and in the last 30 minutes, participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participating educators.

A certificate will be provided to all participating educators in the masterclass.

Fellows’ of Teachers Academy®
All educators participated in any three (3) of our masterclasses and successfully submitting assignment will become ‘Fellows’ of Teachers Academy® and can be part of our community of exceptional educators. Teachers Academy Fellows will be invited to our lectures, performances, events and social media groups. A special certificate of recognition and a badge will be provided to all ‘Fellows’ of Teachers Academy.
